Welcome to NeoCon News and Editorials,We're looking for writers. We're developing the most creative network of comedy writers on the WEB. We need jokes, short news stories (real, exaggerated, or fictional). commentary, editorials, oddball takes and just about anything. History of Nuerortic Behavior, or Chronic Mental Illness helpful but not rquired. We have no political slant and anything goes except obscenities, racism, and reprehensible material. If you just can't do it without cussin', our editor will help you out.
Pieces should subscribe to our Internet Philosophy: Short, cutting edge and to the point. Surfers are not going to spend more than 30 seconds staring at a story about your kids' Halloween experience. The net was designed to be fast paced, up-to-the-minute, short attention span activity. Writing should be simple, intuitive and uncluttered. Our guideline is 400 words, beyond that it gets a little long. Don't worry, our editor will be glad to trim it away.
We operate 3 sites currently. Neo Con News and Editorials, Neo Con-Job News, and Neo Fun Cafe. All under the guise of NCJ News. Don't let the NeoCon thing throw you, we were born with that name and it kinda stuck. Surf around em and see what we do. We presently have a staff of 3. Myself, Asa, and Kilgore. We post new material every day as we believe nobody wants leftover humor.
What do you get out of it? Well, not very much. We give you credit for the story, a link to your site at the head of the story and again at the end of the story. Your links stay on the story as long as it stays posted which is about forever. Also you get permission to use anything on any of our sites by posting the same credit.
We don't encourage stealing material, but if it is lifted, let us know and where it came from. We often use the byline "Reprinted without permission from www.xxx.com". We keep hoping for a copyright infringement suit to get us some notoriety.
If you're still interested, leave a comment, click the mail thing or figure out how to reach us. . Well this is 300+ words, hope to read from you soon. Elliot Rosewater.
p.s. Click on an Ad before you go. We need a revenue stream to continue.
E-mail Us Here
Neo Con Job News
NeoCon News and Editorials
Neo Fun Cafe