Thursday, November 10, 2005

Kansas State Board of Education Supports Alien Abduction Theory

Subject To Be Taught In High School Physics Class
Elliot Rosewater Reporting
(Kansas City, KS NCJ News) The Kansas Sate Board of Education has advocated the teaching of the Alien Abduction Theory in their high school physics curriculum. Citing the number of true believers as a "darn good enough" reason, the state plans to add it to the Fall 2006 classes.
In addition, the board rewrote the definition of science, so that it is no longer limited to the search for natural explanations of phenomena.
Plans are also underway to include leprechauns, the Easter Bunny, and Bigfoot in the state mandated science program.
"We are being very brave. We are brave enough to have all areas discussed," said board member Kathy Martin, a Clay Center Republican. "Students will be informed and not indoctrinated."
Mrs. Martin also added, "Some things are just too complex to explain without some divine intervention. Things like multiplication tables and long division. We're seeking alternatives, we're saying we just can't know. After all, isn't that what education is all about?"
If you have a supernatural event that you would like to see researched, contact the Kansas State Board of Education.


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